Translations, Articles, Research

Astrology is a vast world, as much as humanity itself, and its roots are very ancient. The fascination of the sky and the stars always moves something in us, because it returns to make us understand the belonging to a universality, which belongs to us, within us. And thinking about it, being a conscience immersed in the Universe is anything but a foregone conclusion. Astrology, and especially the esoteric one, aims to look and understand, if possible, the mechanism of consciousness within the solar system, and the consciousness of the solar system itself. And how this, in the case of the individual, of the nation or of the same planet, or even of the Solar Logos himself, relates within the system, thus forming the science of relationships. It will seem strange, or maybe even a little crazy, but astrology presents itself as an analytical method for the study of consciousness. Read more

Astrologically speaking, I must say that my educational path was very lucky. In fact I was introduced to Esoteric Astrology and Metaphysics, during my course of naturopathy, by direct pupils of Douglas Baker. After the school of naturopathy, I was lucky enough to continue this passion for the study of consciousness, which is Astrology, and to follow the first Esoteric Astrology course with Gary Kidgell, organized by the Little Elephant Academy group. Then, for about 3 years, I continued my self-taught path, with the information and books I had (and it was a fortune actually). In the meantime, I continued and deepened other aspects of astrology: hermetic, classical, Steinerian astrosophy, etc., to better understand the various points of view and practical knowledge of the subject. Then the affinity, of study and methodology, led me to continue the path with Esoteric Astrology with the Clargate method of Douglas Baker, which I never abandoned, and I have always kept as the basis of my studies. After 3 years I resumed the courses with Gary Kidgell, and Alan Boxall, during which I was lucky enough to participate as a translator of some readings, and also of some sections of the courses themselves. Immediately thereafter, the L.E.A. Italia proposed me to collaborate with them as a translator. At the moment this collaboration continues regarding the various courses of Gary and Allan, which are organized in Pordenone and Prato. Furthermore, I collaborate with Little Elephant Academy International and Italy, as a translator and writer of articles, with the L.E.A. of Pordenone, and I lead the introduction path to Esoteric Astrology, the Forecasting and Study group of L.E.A. of Bassano del Grappa.